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Art and Design

Average Rating3.60
(based on 275 reviews)

Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.




Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Art Lessons

Art Lessons

The Complete Art Curriculum for Key Stage 3. This huge resource (154 pages) offers 38 linked Art lesson plans, leading students through the key elements of Art, Design and Creativity. Each Art lesson plan provides differentiation, lesson outline, lesson structure, materials required, and homework. Each lesson also provides a photocopiable information sheet for students, written in a student friendly style. Topics covered include drawing styles, observation, abstraction, figure drawing, mask making, sculpture, landscape painting, portraiture, ceramics, colour theory, architecture .... and much more. The lessons have been purposefully written to lead on from each other, allowing students to build upon their ever increasing skills sets through the Key Stage 3 years. The resource has been written by Mael Matthews, experienced Head of Department, Senior Art Moderator and Professional Artist. They have been used in an Art department judged by Ofsted to be Outstanding.
AQA ART 2018-19. A Level Art. Understanding Assessment Objectives

AQA ART 2018-19. A Level Art. Understanding Assessment Objectives

A 25 slide presentation that clearly explains to students the importance of meeting the Assessment Objectives. In particular, this resource emphasizes the need to generate original and thorough ideas. Through notes and visuals the slide-show shows how ideas link to all four Assessment Objectives. I have used this resource with my own students with outstanding results. Work has been praised by the moderators for being original, thorough and clearly meeting the requirements for the AQA specification.
AQA GCSE Art Sketchbook Guide

AQA GCSE Art Sketchbook Guide

This resource provides students with an easy to follow sketchbook guide that is fully aligned to the new specification. Ideal for providing an extra level of support for struggling students. Also great evidence of intervention and support to show senior management! The guide offers background information on the nature of the new specification. this includes how it will be marked and the requirements of the new Assessment Objectives. Students are then guided through a broad range of activities which link directly to the AOs and therefore encourage full coverage of them. This resource is equally useful to teachers, providing a step by step course structure that teachers can adapt to meet their particular requirements.
Draw the Human Figure in Proportion

Draw the Human Figure in Proportion

This step by step guide will lead Junior and High School students through drawing a human figure in proportion. The simple to follow slides make it a useful tool for demonstrating how to use guide lines to develop the shapes.
Growth Mindset -  Divergent Thinking Skills Questions.

Growth Mindset - Divergent Thinking Skills Questions.

Updated for 2017-18. Thinking Skills are so important. Students and adults are often led to believe that there is only one right answer to the question. This doesn’t have to be the case though and it is really useful for students to be reminded of this, encouraging them to keep an open mind and explore possibilities. This way of thinking is referred to as divergent thinking and it goes hand in hand with creativity. This resource provides questions that encourage students to problem solve and consider lots of answers to questions that don’t have just one right answer. Each question is presented on an individual page so that they can be printed out and students can jot down ideas, scribble notes and even draw diagrams if they feel like it.
AQA Art GCSE Sketchbook Guide. Structures. Step by step sketchbook development.

AQA Art GCSE Sketchbook Guide. Structures. Step by step sketchbook development.

A step by step guide for students and teachers, walking through the development of a GCSE Art sketchbook that addresses all the Assessment Objectives. If students follow the instructions they WILL fulfil the requirements of the GCSE Art course. This resource focusses on covering the Assessment Objectives and helps students see how their work can evolve. An invaluable resource for all students. This resource also provides the teacher with a clear methodology for fully covering the Assessment Objectives. The theme is "Structures" and encompasses painting, drawing, sculpture and construction work. Also guides the student through critical and contextual studies, observational drawing, photography and media experimentation. Written using clear, student friendly language. Over 30 instructional slides.


This 7 page printable resource provides students with lots of information about the sensitive and serious topic of body image. The damaging effects of the media’s portrayal of “perfection” is covered, along with the impact of self inflicted and peer pressure. Also included is a worksheet which encourages students to engage in the topic and consider their own views on the issues raised. Ideal for PSHCE lessons when time is tight.
Ofsted. Composite and Component Plan for your Department

Ofsted. Composite and Component Plan for your Department

Ofsted have changed their terminology. “Composite” and “Component” elements of the curriculum now need to be apparent. You already have them, but you might be calling them something else. Here is a fully editable document that allows you to simply type in your schemes of work and produce a visually stimulating curriculum plan that indicates the composite and component elements. A useful doc for handing to colleagues so that you are all “singing from the same hymn sheet”! Also worth pinning up in your classroom as a visual reminder for when Ofsted come calling! Good luck!
GCSE Art Planning for 2017-18 - Metamorphosis Scheme

GCSE Art Planning for 2017-18 - Metamorphosis Scheme

Written by a Senior Art moderator. This step by step guide leads the student through the development of a component of work for GCSE Art. The theme here is "Metamorphosis". Students are encouraged to explore the art of a range of contemporary and past artists and develop their own work ensuring that they fully address the four Assessment Objectives. Suitable for use with either the AQA or EdExcel specification. The resource can either be printed out and provided to students as a work book, or alternatively it can be used as a guide, allowing them to explore and expand upon the theme. Ideal for handing to Year 10 students before the summer holiday for them to develop work for September.
Art (STEAM) 2018-19. Key Stage 3 Unit of Work. Movement, Dynamism and Energy.

Art (STEAM) 2018-19. Key Stage 3 Unit of Work. Movement, Dynamism and Energy.

New for 2018-9. This Art unit of work for 11 to 14 year olds focusses on the links between art and science through the exploration of movement, dynamism and energy. The work of the Futurists, Action artists, kinetic artists and photographic artists is explored through exciting experimentation with media. Students are encouraged to develop a Growth Mind-set and retain ownership of their work, developing it through informed decision making. The scheme of work includes lesson by lesson structure, materials list, artist references and homework.


A collection of resources focussed on bullying issues. Group activities, discussion starting points, quotes about bullying and 5 different anti bullying posters.
Bullying and Conflict Lesson Plan KS2

Bullying and Conflict Lesson Plan KS2

A thorough lesson plan encouraging students to consider the different types of bullying and the difference between bullying and conflict. A series of structured activities along with relevant resource cards and 2 posters for display.


14 Resources
A range of support resources for students and teachers as we enter the exam unit phase. All resources focus on fully addressing the requirements of the AQA GCSE Art and Design course, ensuring students meet and perhaps exceed their potential.
PSHE. Body Image

PSHE. Body Image

This PSHE resource provides matter of fact information regarding body image. Why do people have positive and negative body images? What contributes to this? How can people improve their perception about how they look? Information and a questionnaire to encourage students to consider how they think about their own body image. Easy to photocopy as a hand-out and suitable for KS3, 4 and 5 students.